TurboCAD® LTE is affordable, yet comprehensive CAD software that rivals AutoCAD® LT. This video course will help you quickly become proficient in using the program.
Our popular CommandCAD Interface is legendary for making TurboCAD a breeze to use. We took a hard look at how we could improve the TurboCAD LTE interface for former AutoCAD users and created special plug in files. In just a few clicks, your toolbar layout will be instantly upgraded and easier to use. We have included time-saving command line functionality and modified the ribbon layout to be more familiar for AutoCAD users. This TurboCAD LTE interface upgrade is included for free when you buy this course.
To help you transfer your AutoCAD LT skills to TurboCAD LTE as quickly as possible, this course bridges the gap feature by feature.
Split screen - Our interface comparison lesson displays AutoCAD LT on half of the screen and TurboCAD LTE on the other half so you can see the similarities and differences side-by-side.
Alias mapping - We mapped out +140 AutoCAD LT aliases to the corresponding TurboCAD LTE commands. This course includes all of these in a handy PDF download that you can use for reference.
We have taught thousands of CAD students and know that the best way to learn is by doing. To master the software, you need to develop muscle memory at the keyboard. Our Getting Started with TurboCAD LTE course includes step-by-step tutorial videos followed by practice exercises that give you hands-on experience with the program.
High achievers take note. This course is eligible for a completion certificate! When you graduate this training, you will have the opportunity to obtain a downloadable certificate that you can print and save for your records.